Thursday, January 17th, 2019

Climax Magazine - The Best Of British Climbing

For decades the starting point for most adventure photography careers were the many monthly specialist magazines that until recently lined most newsagents shelves.
It's how I started, for a budding photographer there was nothing that could compare to the thrill of seeing your first published image printed on paper. Nowadays of course those opportunities have declined with the rise of the internet and many of those legendary titles have either closed, moved to a web-based platform or been forced to take a broader more commercial approach to covering adventure. There are however exceptions and amongst those the Austrian specialist climbing magazine Climax has made a huge impact. With double the number of pages of most of its rivals, big bold layouts and a commitment to the highest quality, Climax is the sort of publication where a photographer longs to see their work showcased. We were therefore excited to be invited by their editorial team to create three contrasting features. On the Rocks displayed the joys and challenges of Scottish winter climbing, UK Faces was a collection of our studies in black and white of some of the legends of British climbing and the delightfully named Mit Shirm, Chalk and Melone presented the variety of British bouldering. In all Climax ran over 20 pages worth of our work – through which we feel that we were able to showcase the best of British Climbing.
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